Based in Miami, Adriana Patiño Acupuncture offers holistic treatments to cure a variety of disorders and health conditions.
Treating Pain With Acupuncture
Are you suffering from chronic headaches or severe body pain? Acupuncture is not only renowned for efficiently controlling and alleviating body pain but also for relaxing the mind.
Adriana Patiño Acupuncture uses acupuncture and holistic medicine to relieve your aches and pains.
A calming effect on the mind and body
The cosmetic acupuncture treatment at Adriana Patiño Acupuncture will give you the youthful glow that you have been looking for.
- Acupuncture
- Depression Treatment
- Fertility Treatment by Acupuncture
- IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome) Treatment
- Pain Treatment by Acupuncture
- Facial Cosmetic/Rejuvenation
- Extensive Experience
- Holistic Approach
- Reliable and Professional Service
- Pleasant Surroundings
- Miami
- Coral Gables
- Miami Beach
A Relaxing and Restorative Treatment Plan
From the very time that you walk into our center, you can relax and trust us for a reliable service and treatment. As an expert acupuncturist, Adriana Patiño will assess your health condition and recommend the best treatment plan that will meet your needs.
Are you wondering if the needles will hurt? You will be surprised to discover how relaxing and comfortable our sessions can be.
A highly experienced and qualified practitioner at your service